Monday, March 29, 2010

First born vs. Fourth born

7:30 am...a bedroom door opens and out strolls Micah. One thing is on his mind...the fruit snacks he received at the birthday party yesterday and did not eat on the car ride home.

"Mom?"( from the top of the stairs)

"Yes?"(from the living room rocker trying to have a quiet time)

"Can I eat my fruit snacks?"

"Sure, why not!"

And there you have it! The difference between a first born and fourth born. I think this is hilarious!


  1. I can totally relate, we have four also. Big difference from when we just had our first. I'm enjoying your blog. I invite you to come over and become a follower of mine as well.
    Blessings to you! ~Amy

  2. Thanks for reading my blog! I just joined yours. Glad to find someone else in Michigan! I look forward to reading more about your family and homeschool experience.

  3. That is so true!! Thanks for the chuckle this morning. :)
