Welcome (back) to Rome...
We held our Roman Feast tonight and had a very fun time. Technically, it was supposed to be at the end of last week, but it worked out just fine fitting it in today. It was great to show daddy all that we have been learning about Rome, the Romans verses we memorized, piano songs the kids have been practicing
Here we are in our Togas...
Hailing Caesar
Welcome to the Triclinium...
No, I did not allow bones to be thrown on our living room floor, but we decorated the floor to be in the spirit :)
If you are curious, here was our menu, and I was able to get everything together in 45 minutes after school, before feast time began, at 4. I made the hard-boiled eggs in the morning and threw the chicken in the oven at 2, salad was already made the day before too.
First Course:
Hard-Boiled eggs
Artichokes and Hearts of Palm, assorted Olives
Main Course:
Whole Roasted chicken
Green Beans
Crescent Rolls (just comfort food for the kids)
Fig Newtons
Fruit tray (grapes, strawberries, kiwi, mango, pineapple, pomegranate)
What a feast! We've not reached that point yet. We'll probably celebrate but I'm not sure ours will be a fab as yours!