Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring Soccer


When you walk out my front door, or into my backyard, you will get a full whiff of these lovely, fragrant flowers! I love them! They smell amazing! Not so good for the local allergies, but they are only around for a few weeks!


For the second week in a row, the boys have geared up to play in the drizzle. And can I say that it is downpouring AGAIN? It has been a weekend of rain, thunderstorms, and downpours! This is pushing our deck finishing off another week, but I think I see a few dry days in the forecast this week and hopefully it can get done then!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I saw your comment over at Executive Homemaker about the Mario Party and just wanted to share my bubbles and play dough printables. Here is the link

